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Terms of Service

Simia Capital
Terms of Service

I request and authorize my attorney to provide Simia Capital with whatever information (whether oral or in writing) needed to evaluate my funding request. I specifically waive any privilege that I may have regarding such information.

I hereby request and authorize your firm to cooperate with and release to Simia Capital any and all information and documents pertaining to my case. Please share your candid opinion regarding this action with Simia Capital, so that Simia Capital can evaluate my funding request.

I acknowledge that I understand the benefits and risks of non-recourse funding. I further acknowledge that I understand the effects of disclosing the contents of my file, including waiver of the attorney-client and work product privileges.

You must check the box for your application to be processed. This authorization gives us permission to contact and discuss your case with your attorney.

By submitting this form, I agree all the information listed is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

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